Friday, April 24, 2009

Bruno's Butta-Pecan Scoop

So the new poster for Sacha Baren Cohen's BRUNO has come out of the closet.
Very Nice.
and ps. yeah, it got the R rating!

Monday, April 20, 2009

17 Again Southern Chocolate Scoop

i was supposed to see Crank with my boo-dizzle this weekend but instead we (or should i say "I") took the kiddies to see 17 Again.  oh yes, i kicked. i screamed. then, i finally put my hands in the air and admitted defeat.  Ok, i'm being a bit dramatic but, when you roll with the teenie boppers, the smooth persuasive tactics you thought you had are total fail.

Oh. Em. Gee.  i have a confession to make *gasp* i secretly liked this movie...a whole damn lot.

first, i'd like to say, when the hell did Zac Efron get so damn cute?  it makes me feel all coug-a-lishous to say that.  secondly, even though this white boy possesses some  stellar dance moves, why must he break out into dance in every single movie?  didn't highschool musical end last year?

17 Again, reminded me of Tom Hank's Big but with the opposite story line.  This movie is basically about a guy whose life didn't quite turn out how he wanted it to and wishes he could go back to high school and change it.  He wakes up one day and is seventeen again and gets a chance to rewrite his life.  

It's funny, it's cute, and the Lord of the Rings references made me laugh my head off.  It was well worth a sunday viewing.  and of course, the teenies were swooning.

My Sister's Keeper's Maple Nut Scoop

here's another film that makes my 2009 most anticipated film list and i highly recommend this one.  seriously. i tear up every single time i see the preview:


i already love this movie because hits so close to home -- it's the perfect combination of happiness and sadness.  this movie is for anyone who is a cancer survivor or for those who provide continuous love and support to those that fight this evil battle.  battling cancer means walking down a road unpaved, full of sharp rocks and other obstacles.  The best medicine is to smile through the tears and remain positive.  It'll get you through the worst days.

just go see this movie!

it's funny.  every time i see a New Line film, i have to ask myself, "what the hell was i thinking turning this offer down?"  I really do enjoy mostly all the films they produce and they continue to impress me.  and besides, Fox Searchlight, New Line Cinema ranks second among my favourite studios.  stupid LA vs Toronto.  i really hope i made the right decision. 

Apple Pie Adventureland Scoop

Suprisingly, this movie got rave reviews. Do I think it deserved this? No

While I wasn't expecting a Superbad 2, I was a little disappointed with this film.  Therefore, I give it a two out of four stars.

Taking place in the summer of 1987, Adventureland is the story about a rich college student who receives news that his parents have gone broke and are unable to pay for his tuition.  His plans for a European vacation are halted and he's forced to work at a rundown theme park where he meets a whole slew of interesting characters.

The soundtrack is oozing with 80s goodness.  However, I was a little upset that my beloved "Blister in the Sun" by the Ramones wasn't in the actual movie.  I would have grinned ear to ear like a fool.  It's one of my all time favourite songs! EVER.

In all honesty, the script is pretty good.  Where did the movie go wrong?

The casting...and one person in particular: Kristen Stewart.

I truly believe this movie had mad potential to do well but Kristen Stewart ruined it for me.  She's not passionate enough when she acts.  Instead, she almost comes off as a nerve-wracked, emotionless teenager.   She did the same thing playing Bella in Twilight.  It's almost like she needs a strong male counterpart to make up for what she lacks in the acting department.  This actually makes me worry about how she'll deliver New Moon which is supposed to be a very emotionally charged movie.  She's also set to play Joan Jett in The Runaways.  Seriously? I really don't think she's going to make a good Joan Jett.  Why do critics praise her so much?

To end on a good note, I loved Jesse Eisenberg.  While he's no Michael Cera, he totally reminded me of him. He charmed my pants off in this film and I really think he has star potential, should he be given the chance to shine.  There's something sexy about those nerdy-lookin-subtly-funny-a-little-too-skinny boys.   

Harry Potter Huckleberry Scoop

i meant to post this scoop as it was "breaking" movie news but unfortunately, life has gotten in the way of updates.

the fifth harry potter trailer is out. have a look:

i have to applaud warner bros when it comes to this series. they take their time with the sequels and just perfect it as each passes. while i've never read the books, i find myself actually enjoying the movies - something, given the genre, i never thought would happen. however, as each film is made, i'm more and more intrigued.  2009 most anticipated film list, indeed.

the preview looks great. what do you think?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sex and the City Spumoni Scoop

“Maybe mistakes are what make our fate... without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away”

for all you gals who have carrie fever, this scoop is for you.

Mark your calenders ladies! Warner Bros and New Line Cinema announced today that they will release "Sex and the City 2" in theatres on May 28th 2010. I don't know about you, but 2010 just got a whole lot more scandalous. you know i love it :)

After the amazing success of the first film, pulling over 426 million dollars worldwide, all four girls are back on the big screen. The sequel will be penned by the amazing director-writer Michael Patrick King so its already ooozing in greatness!

so, do you think they'll bring back gilles marini? samantha's very sexy, hot, italian-stallion-like-woah (minus the face -- ok, well the face isn't that bad-- am i going to hell for saying that?) man candy.

which lady are you most like? oh come on, you've probably already had this discussion with your girls already?

what would you like to see in the sequel? discuss discuss!

so ladies, gather your girlicious entourage together, shop for a sexy cocktail dress and be prepared to dance the night away with delicious martinis and sexy manolos. at least, that's how my girls roll!

ex oh ex oh -- ok, ok, wrong show.