This movie held the number one spot on my 2009 most anticipated film list. I wanted to love it. I really, really did. Instead, I was disappointed. An average viewer may perhaps love this film. However, being a huge "comic book geek" - as I've been so graciously termed - especially with regards to anything xmen, I felt this film was rushed and contained far too many undeveloped characters. Total disappointment - my only hope is that they do Magneto better.
And since I don't feel like typing sentences - here's some thoughts...
- Liev Schreiber surprised the hell out of me. I had my reservations in casting him as Sabretooth. While the whole Sabretooth character is supposed to be bigger, he did well.
- Hugh Jackman is the ultimate Wolverine. He saved this movie from being horrendous and made it somewhat redeemable to me.
- Upon watching the previews for the film, I had my fears that they were introducing too many characters in this movie. My speculations were correct. The introduction of all these other xmen did not advance the plot whatsoever. The writers didn't even tie up the storylines with these characters. I got the impression that they threw in these extra characters to gage fan reaction. People will talk about who they love the most and the studios will capitalize on that. Simply business!
- I wish they wove more Deadpool and Gambit into the film. Ryan Reynolds did an amazing job as Deadpool.
- I love Taylor Kitsch. I love Gambit. I would give my left arm for them to make a Gambit movie. Although, I wish he had a stronger southern accent. In Friday Night Lights, he does a better accent then in this film. Did the director tell him to tone down the accent? If so, that’s just stupid.
- Ok CGI was horrible. On a low budget movie, bad CGI is somewhat excusable BUT there's no justifications in this film. Uhh, wolverine’s claws were hella better in the xmen films.
- James Marsden is the only Scott Summers for me.
- Oh, there’s so much that was wrong with this movie….Dear Fox and Marvel, please get the other movies right! Please don’t ruin my beloved Xmen!!
- Lastly, besides a Gambit flick, I want to see a Jean Gray/Rise of Phoenix film.
...and that's all I have to say on this.